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发布日期:2016-03-17浏览次数: 字号:[ ]


  (Hengmi Cui, PhD







  于1997年获瑞典Uppsala大学博士学位,其后在美国约翰霍普金斯大学先后作博士后、讲师和副教授,美国国家卫生研究院 (NIH)资深科学家。曾获得约翰霍普金斯大学W. Barry Wood优秀博士后奖和优秀Jr. Faculty基础研究奖。担任《BMC Medical Genetics》等多个SCI杂志副主编或编委。曾担任美国NIH研究项目评委、意大利和奥地利国家科学基金特邀评委。在SCI杂志发表论文60多篇,包括《Nature》、《Science》等世界一流杂志。文献引用超过8000次。



1 学习经历:


美国约翰霍普金斯(Johns Hopkins)大学医学院

博士后,导师:Professor. Andrew  Feinberg



博士, 导师:ProfessorRolf  Ohlsson


扬州大学(原江苏农学院)  畜牧兽医系





2 工作经历:














英国剑桥大学 Babraham 研究所














3 研究方向:





4 学术任职:


2008          Austrian Science Fund, FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds

2011          The grants of the Italian Ministry of Health (MOH)

2009-2011     NIH/NCI, SBIR program

2016          国家自然科学基金评委


2002-         美国人类遗传学协会会员(Member, The American Society of Human Genetics

2002-         美国癌症协会会员(Member, American Association for Cancer Research

2004-         美国科学促进会会员(Member, American Association for the Advancement of Sciene

2016-         江苏省双创人才江苏省双创人才联合会常务理事,生物医学专委会副主任。


2011-present       Open Medicine Journal (Associate Editor)

2009-present       BMC Medical Genetics (Associate Editor),

2010-present       World Journal of Clinical Oncology (Editorial Board Member)

2011-present       World Journal of Experimental Medicine (Editorial Board Member)

2011-present       TheScientificWorldJournal (TSWJ) (Editorial Board Member)

5 荣誉奖励:


Excellent teaching award, Yangzhou University, China


Wenner-Gren Foundation Scholarship, Karolinska Institute, Sweden


Von Hofsten Foundation Award, Uppsala University, Sweden


W. Barry Wood Jr. Award for postdoctoral fellow, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Finalist of Jr. Faculty Basic Science Research award, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.



Winner of Jr. Faculty Basic Science Research award, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.




 6 科研情况:


  1.环境因素及表观遗传学在肾小球损伤中的机制 (2012CB517605)国家973项目课题,2012-2016,课题主持人

  2.结直肠癌 IGF2 基因内含子miR-483 的致癌机制研究(81171965),国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2012-2015,主持人

  3.反义RNA 及抑癌基因表观遗传学沉默分子机制研究(81372237),国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2014-2017,主持人

  4.源于鸡内源性白血病病毒的反义长非编码RNA的功能及表观遗传学调控机制(91540117)自然科学基金重大研究计划,2016-2018, 主持人



7 发表论文


  1.Jin R, and Cui H, Reproductive characteristics of Taihu pigs, Pig News & Information (Britain), 3:99-102, 1992.

  2.Ekstrom TJ, Cui H, Li X, and Ohlsson R. Promoter-specific IGF2 imprinting status and its plasticity during human liver development, Development, 1995;121:309-316. IP:85

  3.Ekstrom TJ, Cui H, Nystrom A, Rutanen EM, and Ohlsson R. Monoallelic expression of IGF2 at the human fetal/maternal boundary, Mol Reprod and Develop, 1995;41:177-183.

  4.Li X, Adam G, Cui H, Sandstedt B, Ohlsson R, and Ekstrom TJ. Expression, promoter usage and parental imprinting status of Igf2 in human hepatoblastoma: uncoupling of IGF2 H19 imprinting. Oncogene. 1995;11:221-229.

  5.Ohlsson R, Ekstrom T, Franklin G, Pfeifer-Ohlsson S, Cui H, Miller S, Fisher R, and Walsh C. Plasticity of Imprinting. In Genomic imprinting: Causes and Consequences. (R. Ohlsson, K. Hall and M. Ritzen, Eds.), Cambridge University Press. 1995;pp. 182-194.

  6.Cui H#, Xu WX, Powell D, and Newman B. Cloning and sequencing of a pig cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase cDNA, Journal of Animal Science, 1995;73:630.

  7.Cui H#. andOhlsson R., An improved protocol for purification of 35S-labelled oligonucleotide DNA probes for in situ hybridization applications. Trends in Genetics, 1996;12:506-507.

  8.Li X, Cui H, Sandstedt B, Nordlinder H, Larsson E, and Ekstrom TJ. Expression levels of the Igf2 in the human liver: developmental relationships of the four promoters, Journal of Endocrinology, 1996;149:117-124.

  9.Adam GI, Cui H, Miller SJ, Flam F, and Ohlsson R, Allelic specific in situ hybridization analysis: a novel technique which resolve differential allelic usage of H19 within the same cell lineage during human placental development. Development, 1996;122:839-847.

  10.Cui H#, Hedborg F, He L, Nordenskjold A, Sandstedt B, Pfeifer-Ohlsson S, and Ohlsson R. Inactivation of H19, an imprinted and putative repressor gene, is a preneoplastic event during Wilms' tumorigenesis,Cancer Research, 1997; 57:4469-473.

  11.Cui H#,Horon IL, Ohlsson R, Hamilton SR, and Feinberg AP.  Loss of imprinting in normal tissue of colorectal cancer patients with microsatellite instability.  Nature Medicine, 1998; 4:1276-1280.

  12.Li YM, Franklin G, Cui H, Svensson K, He XB, Adam G, Ohlsson R, and Pfeifer S. The H19 transcript is associated with polysomes and may regulate IGF2 expression in trans. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1998;273:28247-28252.

  13.Randhawa GS#, Cui H#, Barletta JA, Strichman-Almashanu LZ, Talpaz M, Kantarjian H, Deisseroth AB, Champlin RC, and Feinberg AP.  Loss of imprinting in disease progression in chronic myelogenous leukemia. Blood, 1998;91:3144-3147.(*Co-first author)

  14.He L, Cui H, Walsh C, Mattsson R, Lin W, Anneren G, Pfeifer-Ohlsson S, and Ohlsson R Hypervariable allelic expression patterns of the imprinted IGF2 gene in tumor cells. Oncogene, 1998;16:113-119.

  15.Ohlsson R, Cui H, He L, Pfeifer S, Malmikumpu H, Jiang S, Feinberg AP, and Hedborg F.  Mosaic allelic IGF2 expression patterns reveal a link between Wilms’ tumorigenesis and epigenetic heterogeneity. Cancer Research, 1999;59:3889-3892.

  16.Ohlsson R, Flam F, Fisher R, Miller S, Cui H, Pfeifer S & Adam GI. Random monoallelic expression of the imprinted IGF2 and H19 genes in the absence of discriminative parental marks. Development in Genes Evolution, 1999;209:113-119.

  17.Uejima, H, Lee, MP, Cui, H, and Feinberg, AP.  Hot stop PCR: A simple and general assay for linear quantitation of allele ratios. Nature Genetics, 2000;25:375-376.

  18.Ohlsson, R., Svensson, K., Cui, H., Malmikumpu, H. and Adam, G. Allele-specific in situ hybridisation (ASISH) Methods in Molecular Biology: Genomic imprinting (A. Ward, editor; Humana Press Inc., Totowa, New Jersey, USA). 2001; pp 153-169.

  19.Cui H#, Niemitz EL, Ravenel JD, Onyango P, Brandenburg SA, Lobanenkov VV, and Feinberg AP. LOI of IGF2 in Wilms’ tumor commonly involves altered methylation but not mutations of CTCF or its binding site. Cancer Research, 2001; 61:4947-4950.

  20.Rhee I, Bachman KE, Park BH, Jair K-W, R-W C, Yen, Schuebel KE, Cui H, Feinberg AP, Lengauer C, Kinzler KW, Baylin SB, and Vogelstein B. DNMT1 and DNMT3B cooperate to silence genes in human cancer cells, Nature, 2002,;416:552-556.

  21.Loukinov DI, Pugacheva E, Vatolin S, Pack SD, Moon H, Chernukhin I, Mannan P, Larsson E, Kanduri C, Vostrov AA, Cui H, Niemitz EL, Rasko JE, Docquier FM, Kistler M, Breen JJ, Zhuang Z, Quitschke WW, Renkawitz R, Klenova EM, Feinberg AP, Ohlsson R, Morse HC 3rd, Lobanenkov VV., BORIS, a novel male germ-line-specific protein associated with epigenetic reprogramming events, shares the same 11-zinc-finger domain with CTCF, the insulator protein involved in reading imprinting marks in the soma.Proc Natl AcadSci USA, 2002;99:6806-6811.

  22.Onyango, P, Jiang, S, Uejima, H, Shamblott, MJ, Gearhart, JD, Cui, H, and Feinberg, AP. Imprinting in human embryonic germ cells without germline transmission, Proc Natl AcadSci U S A, 2002;99:10599-604.

  23.Feinberg, A.P., Cui, H. and Ohlsson, R. DNA methylation and genomic imprinting: Insights from cancer into epigenetic mechanisms.Seminars in Cancer Biology, 2002;12:389.

  24.Cui H#, Onyango P., Brandenburg S, Wu Y., Hsieh C-L and Feinberg AP. Loss of imprinting in human colorectal cancers linked to hypomethylation of H19 and IGF2, Cancer Research, 2002; 62:6442-6446.

  25.Cruz-Correa M, Cui H, Powe N, Giardiello FM, Feinberg A., Loss of imprinting of the IGF2 gene is a diffuse colorectal molecular abnormality which may predict colorectal cancer risk, Gastroenterology, 2002; 122 : 297 Suppl.

  26.Cruz-Carrea M, Cui H, Giardiello FM, Palmer A, Hylind L, Feinberg A, Loss of imprinting of IGF2 is an epigenetic marker independently associated with colorectal cancer and not related to tobacco or alcohol consumption, Gastroenterology, 2003;124: A550-A550 Suppl.

  27.Cui H#., Cruz-Correa M., Giardiello F. M., Hutcheon D. F., Kafonek D. R., Brandenburg S., Wu Y., He X., Powe N. R,. & Feinberg A. P., Loss of IGF2 Imprinting: A Potental Marker of Colorectal Cancer Risk. Science, 2003;299:1753-1755.

  28.Cruz-Correa M., Cui H., Giardiello F. M., Powe N. R, Hylind L., Robinson A., Hutcheon D. F., Kafonek D. R., Brandenburg S., Wu Y., He X.,. & Feinberg A. P. Loss of imprinting of IGF2 gene, a potential heritable biomarker for colon neoplasia predisposition. Gastroenterology, 2004;126: 964-70.

  29.Cruz-Correa M, Zhao RH, Hylind L, Cuffari C, Cui H, Feinberg A, Giardiello F. Genomic imprinting of the insulin growth factor-2 gene is a constant epigenetic abnormality associated with colorectal cancer risk. Gastroenterology, 2004;126:A2-A3 Suppl.

  30.Hu Y, Zheng M, Xu Z, Wang X & Cui H*. Quantitative real time PCR technique for rapid prenatal diagnosis of down syndrome. Prenatal Diagnosis, 2004;24:704-707.

  31.Cui H#, Gius H#, Bradbury CM, Cook J, Smart DK, Zhao S, Young L, Brandenburg SA, Hu Y, Munson PJ, Chuang EY, Mitchell JB, and Feinberg AP, Distinct Effects on Gene Expression of Chemical and Genetic Manipulation of the Cancer Epigenome Revealed by a Multimodality Approach. Cancer Cell, 2004;6:361-371. * Co-first authors.

  32.Bjornsson HT, Cui H, Gius D, Fallin MD, Feinberg AP., The new field of epigenomics: implications for cancer and other common disease research, Cold Spring HarbSymp Quant Biol. 2004;69:447-56.

  33.Yang R, Murillo FM, Cui H, Blosser R, Uematsu S, Takeda K, Akira S, Viscidi RP, Roden RB., Papillomavirus-like particles stimulate murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells to produce alpha interferon and Th1 immune responses via MyD88, J Virol. 2004 78:11152-60. IP:66

  34.Hu YL, Chen X, Chen LL, Xu ZF, Wang XR, Cui H*. (2006) Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of spontaneous abortion, International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 2006; 92:52-57.

  35.Cui H*, Loss of imprinting of IGF2 as an epigenetic marker for the risk of human cancer(review), Disease Markers, 2007;23:105-112.

  36.Reinhold WC, Reimers MA, Maunakea AK, Kim S, Lababidi S, Scherf U, Shankavaram UT, Ziegler MS, Stewart C, Kouros-Mehr H, Cui H, Dolginow D, Scudiero DA, Pommier YG, Munroe DJ, Feinberg AP, Weinstein JN, Detailed DNA methylation profiles of the E-cadherin promoter in the NCI-60 cancer cells, Mol Cancer Ther., 2007;6:391-403.

  37.Dai Y, Wang Z , Li J, Gu X, Zheng M, Zhou J, Ye X, Yao J, Hu Y and Cui H*, Imprinting status of IGF2 in cord blood cells of Han Chinese newborns, Int. J. Mol. Sci.2007; 8: 273-283.

  38.Yu W, Gius G, Onyango P, Karp J, Feinberg AP and Cui H*, Epigenetic silencing of tumor suppressor gene p15 by its antisense RNA, Nature, 2008;451:202-206.

  39.Sun L, Huang L, Nguyen P, Bisht KS, Bar-Sela G, Ho AS, Bradbury CM, Yu W, Cui H, Lee S, Trepel JB, Feinberg AP &Gius D. DNA methyltransferase 1 and 3B activate BAG-1 expression via recruitment of CTCFL/BORIS and modulation of promoter histone methylation, Cancer Res. 2008;68:2726-2735.

  40.Cui H#, Nguyen P, Bisht K, Sun L, Patel K, Lee R, Kogoh H, Oshimura M, Oshimura M, Feinberg AP, Gius D. CTCFL/BORIS is a methylation independent DNA-binding protein that preferentially binds to the paternal H19 DMR, Cancer Res, 2008;68:5546-51.

  41.Bjornsson HT,  Sigurdsson MI, Fallin MD, Irizarry RA, Aspelund T, Cui H, Yu W, Rongione MA, Ekström TJ, Harris TB, Launer LJ, Eiriksdottir G, Leppert MF, Sapienza C, Gudnason V, Feinberg AP. Intra-individual Change Over Time in DNA Methylation With Familial Clustering, JAMA. 2008;299:2877-2883.

  42.Nguyen P, Bar-Sela G, Sun L, Bisht KS, Cui H, Kohn E, Feinberg AP, Gius D. BAT3 and SET1A form a complex with CTCFL/BORIS to modulate H3K4 histone dimethylation and gene expression, Mol Cell Biol.2008;28:6720-6729.

  43.Irizarry RA, Ladd-Acosta C, Wen B, Wu Z, Montano C, Onyango P, Cui H, Gabo K, Rongione M, Webster M, Ji H, Potash JB, Sabunciyan S, Feinberg AP. The human colon cancer methylome shows similar hypo- and hypermethylation at conserved tissue-specific CpG island shores. Nat Genet., 2009;41:178-186.

  44.Cruz-Correa M, Zhao R, Oviedo M, Bernabe RD, Lacourt M, Cardona A, Lopez-Enriquez R, Wexner S, Cuffari C, Hylind L, Platz E, Cui H, Feinberg AP, Giardiello FM. Temporal stability and age-related prevalence of loss of imprinting of the insulin-like growth factor-2 gene. Epigenetics. 2009;27;4(2).

  45.Zhao R, DeCoteau JF, Geyer CR, Gao M, Cui H, Casson AG. Loss of imprinting of the insulin-like growth factor II (IGF2) gene in esophageal normal and adenocarcinoma tissues. Carcinogenesis. 2009;30(12):2117-22.

  46.Cui I & Cui H*, Antisense RNA and epigenetic regulation, Epigenomics, 2010; 2(1):139-150.

  47.Zhang Y, Diao Z, Su L, Sun H, Li R,  Hu Y, Cui H*,miRNA-155 contributes to preeclampsia by downregulating CYR61, Am J Obstet Gynecol., 2010;202(5):466.e1-7.

  48.Rodriguez BA, Weng YI, Liu TM, Zuo T, Hsu PY, Lin CH, Cheng AL, Cui H, Yan PS, Huang TH, Estrogen-Mediated Epigenetic Repression of the Imprinted Gene Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1C in Breast Cancer Cells. Carcinogenesis. 2011, 32(6):812-21.

  49.Cui H#*, Antisesne RNAs and modulation of tumor suppressor genes, Long Non-coding RNAs: Regulation of Gene Expression and Drivers of Natural Selection, Horizon Scientific Press2011153-166.


  50.Zhao X, Tang Z, Zhang H, Atianjoh FE, Zhao JY, Liang L, Wang W, Guan X, Kao SC, Tiwari V, Gao YJ, Hoffman PN, Cui H, Li M, Dong X, Tao YXA long noncoding RNA contributes to neuropathic pain by silencing Kcna2 in primary afferent neurons. Nat Neurosci. 2013, 16(8):1024-31.

  51.Jeong Y, Du R, Zhu X, Yin S, Wang J, Cui H, Cao W, and Charles J. Lowenstein. Histone Deacetylase isoforms regulate innate immune response by deacetylating mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase. J Leukocyte Biol2014, 95(4):651-9

  52.Zhang Z, ElSayed AK, Shi Q, Zhang Y, Zuo Q, Li D, Lian C, Tang B, Xiao T, Xu Q, Chang G, Chen G, Zhang L, Wang K, Wang Y, Jin K, Wang Y, Song J, Cui H, Li B, Crucial Genes and Pathways in Chicken Germ Stem Cells Differentiation.J Biol Chem. 2015, 290(21): 13605-21.

  53.Yusuf MS, Hassan MA, Elnabtiti AS, Cui H*, A single dose of ginger powder, supported with organic acid or probiotic, maximizes the laying, egg quality hatchability and immune performances of laying japanese quails, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 2015,6(10), 6707-6711.

  54.Geng T , Xia L, Li F, Xia J, Zhang Y, Wang Q, Yang B, Montgomery S, Cui H, Daoqing Gong, The role of endoplasmic reticulum stress and insulin resistance in the occurrence of goose fatty liver, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2015, 465, 83-87.

  55.Gao B, Shen D, Xue S, Chen C, Cui H* and Song C*The contribution of transposable elements to size variations between four teleost genomes. Mobile DNA, 2016, Feb 9;7:4. doi: 10.1186/s13100-016-0059-7.

  56.Hu X, Zhu W, Chen S, Liu Y, Sun Z, Geng T, Wang X, Gao B, Song C, Qin A and Cui H*, Expression of the env gene from the avian endogenous retrovirus ALVE and regulation by miR-155, Archives of Virology, 2016, ;161(6):1623-32.

  57.Zhao J, Yao J, Li F, Yang Z, Sun Z, Qu L, Wang K, Su Y, Geng T, Cui H*, Identification of candidate genes for chicken early- and late-feathering, Poultry Science, 2016, 95(7):1498-503.

  58.Hu X, Zhu W, Chen S, Liu Y, Sun Z, Geng T, Wang X, Gao B, Song C, Qin A and Cui H*, Expression patterns of endogenous avian retroviruses, ALVE1, and its response to infection of exogenous avian tumor viruses, Archives of Virology, 2016, 162(1):89-101. 

  59.Cui H#*, Liu Y, Jiang J, Liu Y, Yang Z, Wu S, Cao W, I H. Cui, Yu C, IGF2-derived miR-483 mediated oncofunction through targeting DLC1 and was a potential noninvasive biomarker of colorectal cancer, Oncotarget, 2016, 7(30):48456-48466.

  60.Geng T, Zhao X, Xia L, Liu L, Li F, Yang B, Wang Q, Montgomery S, Cui H, Gong D. Supplementing dietary sugar promotes endoplasmic reticulum stress-independent insulin resistance and fatty liver in goose.BiochemBiophys Res Commun. 2016 May 28. pii: S0006-291X(16)30899-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.05.149.

  61.Chen S, Hu X, Zhu W, Jia C, Han X, Sun Z, Yang Z, Geng T, Cui H*Regulation of development genes reactivated via 5-Aza-2’-deoxycytidine by canonical Wnt signaling in chicken embryo fibroblasts, Poultry Science, 2016, doi: 10.3382/ps/pew378.[Epub ahead of print]

  62.Yusuf MS, Hassan MA, Abdel-Daim MM, Elnabtiti AS, Ahmed AM, Moawed SA, El-Sayed AK, Cui H* (2016) Value added by Spirulina platensis in two different diets on growth performance, gut microbiota, and meat quality of Japanese quails, Veterinary World, 9(11): 1287-1293.

  63.Mohamed S. Yusuf, Mohammed T. Ibrahim, Hayam M. Sam, Manal M.A. Mahmoud and Hengmi Cui*, Yeast, Lactose, and Organic Acids Mixture Improved Zoological Growth and Immune Status of Japanese quails, Nature and Science 2016, 14(4): 1-13.

  64.Liu Y, Han X, Yuan J, Geng T, Chen S, Hu X, Cui IH, Cui H*. Biallelic insertion of a transcriptional terminator via the CRISPR/Cas9 system efficiently silences expression of protein-coding and non-coding RNA genes.J Biol Chem. 2017, 292(14):5624-5633.

  65.Gao B, Wang S, Wang Y, Shen D, Xue S, Chen C, Cui H, Song C. Low diversity, activity, and density of transposable elements in five avian genomes. FunctIntegr Genomics. 2017 Feb 11. doi: 10.1007/s10142-017-0545-0. [Epub ahead of print]

  66.Gao D, Herman JG, Cui H, Jen J, Fuks F, Brock MV, Ushijima T, Croce C, Akiyama Y, Guo M. Meeting Report of the Fifth International Cancer Epigenetics Conference in Beijing, China,Epigenomics, 2017 May 22. doi: 10.2217/epi-2017-0030. [Epub ahead of print]

  67.Li H, Lv B, Kong L, Xia J, Zhu M, Hu L, Zhen D, Wu Y, Jia X, Zhu S, Cui H*. Nova1 mediates resistance of rat pheochromocytoma cells to hypoxia-induced apoptosis via the Bax/Bcl-2/caspase-3 pathway.Int J Mol Med. 2017 Aug 3. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2017.3089. [Epub ahead of print]


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  7.长链非编码RNA lnc-ALVE1-AS1表达检测引物及试剂盒,申请号:201710883276.2,申请日:2017.09.26,第一发明人



  10.长链非编码RNA lnc-ALVE1-AS1FISH检测探针及试剂盒,申请号:201710884183.1,申请日:2017.09.26,第一发明人

  11.长链非编码RNA lnc-ALVE1-AS1表达Northern blot检测引物、试剂盒,申请号:201710884169.1,申请日:2017.09.26,第一发明人



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